About us
The Masseria Gianferrante landscaping project, designed by landscape architect Filippo Piva, has been the subject of extensive coverage in two major magazines, with high-quality photographic reports
Giardino Italiano, the international magazine dedicated to Landscape Architecture, PAYSAGE publisherGiardinAntico, dedicates extensive photographic reportage to gardens imbued with an antique flavour, as genuine as possible.

ARTE' documentaries
Landträume - Campagne de Rêves is Peter Podjavorsek's documentary - produced by ARTE - about the Masseria Gianferrante, its restoration, its gardens, and the work of Yvonne and Antonio.Founded in 1991 by France and Germany, ARTE is a public service, cultural and European television and online network that places creativity, diversity and innovation at the heart of its programmes, becoming a reference point in Europe and worldwide for the quality and level of demand of its programmes.
A film by PETER PODJAVORSEKWith the collaboration of SYLVIA KLEMENFilming by OLIVER GURRSound by ZORA BUTZBEEditing by PETER KLUMMMusic by SIBYLLE BOECKHProducer CLAUS WISCHMANNEditing PETER ALLENBACHER (ZDH) - FRANK AYDT (SERVUS TV)A HEIDEFILM productionin co-production with SERVUS TVand in collaboration with ARTE'